Srithi Abhinitha
2 min read

Srithi Abhinitha
1 min read

Srithi Abhinitha
1 min read
Have you ever seen a child's eyes light up when a puddle appears along their way?
It doesn't matter where they're going. Some days they may be skipping along to the park; other days they're probably dragging their feet to school. It doesn't matter—that puddle makes them STOP, take a break, and go all in. The whole world around them seems to halt all of a sudden as time stands still when they revel in the joy of those tiny refreshing splashes as they jump up and down. You'd hear their squeals and laughter. But most importantly, you see them PAUSE along the way and enjoy life in all its' fullness.
That's what I hope this space can be for you and me. Our little pause puddles along the way, whether we're headed down paths of joy or despair. I hope we can find rest, refreshment, wonder, and some much-needed grace we find so hard to give ourselves sometimes.
I am that 'running - on - a - coffee -high - but mostly exhausted' mumma of two little people. I am also that 30-something woman who still feels like a 16-year-old girl who goes weak in her knees when the husband man walks into a room. Deep conversations and relationships bring me so much life, and I am so grateful that my career as a Social worker revolves around that. But most of all, I am a child with an amazing Father who changed my life and gives me purpose to this thing called life every single day.